Epiroc's Pit Viper Autonomous Drills Achieve Milestone of Drilling Over One Circumnavigation of the Globe

2023-03-22 03:03:33 By : Mr. Dave S.G
Epiroc autonomous drills reach round the world milestone - Canadian Mining Journal

For the mining industry, drilling is a critical and time-consuming operation. In recent years, companies have been striving to automate this process, and Epiroc is among the leaders in this effort. Their Pit Viper autonomous drills have recently reached a significant milestone, having drilled the equivalent length of more than one round around the world.

This achievement highlights the progress that Epiroc has made in developing autonomous drilling technology. By removing the need for human operators, these rigs can drill more efficiently and safely. They also offer cost savings, as fewer workers are required, and the rigs can operate for longer periods without breaks.

The success of Epiroc's Pit Viper rigs is due in part to the company's partnership with Beijing Soly Technology. This firm is affiliated with the Shougang Group Mining Company and has been operating in the mining industry for over two decades. By combining their expertise with Epiroc's technology, the two firms have created a powerful tool for mining companies around the world.

Epiroc's Pit Viper rigs are capable of drilling holes up to 311 millimeters in diameter and up to 85 meters in depth. They are also highly mobile, able to move quickly between drilling sites while carrying all necessary equipment. This combination of power and mobility has made them an attractive option for mining operations in a variety of locations.

Epiroc autonomous drills reach round the world milestone - Canadian Mining Journal

One example of a successful deployment of the Pit Viper drill is at the BHP Nickel West mine in Western Australia. There, the rigs have been used to drill vertical ventilation shafts, a critical part of the mine's infrastructure. By using the autonomous rigs, the company was able to reduce the time required for drilling by 50%, as well as improve safety and reduce costs.

Epiroc has also been working to improve its autonomous technology in other areas of mining. Their autonomous trucks and loaders have been deployed in mines around the world, further reducing the need for human operators in hazardous environments. The company has also developed a predictive maintenance system, which uses data from sensors on mining equipment to identify potential issues before they become serious problems.

As the mining industry continues to evolve, companies like Epiroc will play an increasingly important role. The demand for minerals and metals shows no signs of slowing, and new deposits are becoming harder to find. That means mining companies will need to become more efficient and innovative if they want to remain competitive. By investing in automation and other cutting-edge technologies, they can streamline their operations and reduce costs while improving safety and environmental sustainability.

Overall, Epiroc's milestone achievement with their autonomous drill rigs is a promising sign for the industry. As more mining companies adopt these technologies, we can expect to see greater efficiency and safety in drilling operations around the world.